No Assaults of Person
When Convenience Store where outlaw for being too enticing to be robbed or held up or broken in. Hell since the end of fossil fuels, late night run to fill up just did not happen. Cold fussion did that, long with Free energy for the world. So crimes from the past just did not happen. The new law of one strike and your out for good. Gravity tubes all over the place reminded everyone what would happen if you committed any crime to any person, you are place in a tube with a lifetime of liquid food and shot into space. what happen after that no one knows or cares. yes a protective suit and off you went. Well that did not stop all the crimes against person, these PPS will.
Greg did not know when he had his I.D. chip implanted, just Ever since the last murder and war, keeping track of everyone's movement, made it possible to know when, where the killing takes place.
PPS Works the same way as Personal air conditioner. By pulling the Ions close to you The outside world can not touch you, just the air can flow Around you all the time. Every child learns that Ions are the heaviest iron in the universe. they pass through the earth only because they are also the the smallest particle. Like all metals you can pull them close with a magnetic source. PPS dose that o close and so thick that not even a grain of sand can touch you.
A new law that said everyone is to have a Seed added to your I.D. chip ment that personal
assaults can never happen again.
Outside the Police station Greg walk a few steps and watch all the funny people trying to hit each other and laughing. One little Girl pick up a round rock and slammed it down on her baby brother. Now that will be funny on WFV. Hell every thing like this ended up on World Funnies Videos.
Time for testing for him was not needed. Work had to happen, if greg wanted to eat for the next week. Everyone had to work Four hour each week to get ration for a week. not sure why this was such a big deal, as he spent rest of the week chatting with his Friend from around the world any way. just like alway, Work is work and no one like going to work.
Looking for the gravity stream Greg place a foot on and off he went to his home, Three thousand meters up and dew North put Greg in his personal space. home is all it is called. Furniture and rooms like the old day, just so you can say you have a place to lay your head and eat. he could climb to Ten thousand meters but he like watching the storm clouds and hearing the rain. Except for the fact he did not fill the wind and rain did not mean he did not want to know what it might be like.
Notice on his entrance, said Food ration is on the way to open reception portal now. simple look to open and a circle in the Kitchen open and Cubes of food line up with the day of the week in the storage area. His order put in last week for this week was done. after work he would order for next week. Greg could not order until his account is full. So he needed to log into his web com. His time at work would start then. Opening up his food cube for Friday he found the sweet chocolate flavored Rice bits and some Powder sodas. walk to reform microwave, he place both pack inside and touch remake. Given the space of Greg retrieving, the reorder form, his snack was ready. Old fashioned krispie bar and a ice cold glass of Cola soda.
With in every snack is a full meal, You had the choice of the way you wanted to eat it. Most just had a slurpee, Greg we old school when it came to eating. He wanted to chew on something and not just wash his mouth out.
over on the over size Loveseat Greg set down his snack and spoke to the wall .
"Greg, 11985. Start work."
In front of him a display of folders with History research and dates and time. Greg was now in the year of 2100's. His first log in this center, started today. Greg was just happy to be over with the 2000 years. So much crap happen then and none made any sense. Six wars and all the race and religious killing, did not make for good
research. Only Good this I Google became a Web Nation. Start of the new world everyone live in now. Unlike Book Face and Bird Tweets, they only wanted money. Google open the world up and did not take long for all to see how the information they got by the media at the time was made just to sale products and nothing more.
world broadcast system fall after Seventy five years once Google Web Cast came on line. What was the North and South continents along with African, and Asian, governments fell due to free markets crash. Google set up in the Mid Atlantic waters took over rule of the World. Under the new Google Rule you did research of all kind. Farming and Energy, Equal trade and medical needs, lots of new jobs open and all became part of a share of products that Google obtained. No money, no troubles, no one worried about layoffs, no one worried about food shortage. each had a home None needed to move around in those fossil wheeled transports. they called them cars, trucks, trains and planes. Hell ever since the days, of industry in 1700s to the 2100s the world is better off without all the hooplas.
Greg gave a laugh when he first heard of the race wars. His mind thought race wars was about the cars and trucks driving around in a circles. Never did see the point in that. Humans of different colors a race war now that is funny. Greg remember reading about the last mix color person on earth. Spots of black and white with some red and yellow toss in. Everyone love the man, he could tell some great jokes for the early years of the 3100s. Last Two Hundred years every human is the same color, Golden Tan. This also the years that History Geologist like him started keep records of everything humans did. Searching the past for how and why humans came to be.
Three point Four meters tall and just at Fifty one kilograms, (as all humans are now) Greg look just like everyone else in the world. Oval for head and square chin with long flowing bronze color hair is the normal now. Once in a while someone is born Bronze and Golden hair, otherwise all the same.
2100s begin with the rise of Google world. All information is share equally to everyone. national and world media closed up for good with the law that band the use of money in the world. Everyone got part of what the world had to offer. yes you work until you are One hundred, given that people lived until Hundred and fifty years, Hundred years of work is not the big a deal. Population as in the Billions meant that each working person or Ten years of age, put in eight hours a week. Four, Two hour days, or Two Four hour days is required , this is the way it is now, Greg work Two Four hour days. Upon completion of your hours each week you could order food and goods. Minimal food and more goods meant you could decorate your home with stuff you like. Keep the basic in your home and you can eat like you want.
This night the open mic was having renasant of music from the years of 1960s. old music is what greg is about. Somehow the 60s and 70s had the best music and the best of comforts. like his loveseat with red and blue and green pad cloth arms and wings on the sides to hold your drinks and food and Blue jeans covered the seat and back of the mine couch. After work and placing his food order for next week, off to the open mic at Google Strip club.
Back to the vision in front of him, Greg saw Oenomaus Gomez, the son of Selena take to the stage for the opening atheneum "Who say's". even today that song lives on in the world. So many law in the world, so when someone ask who say's we know who did write it down. Then no one knew who wrote the rule of anything. Guess that is why "Who Say's" became Google Web World atheneum. looking to Oenomaus, Greg jotted down in the text field on the side that he is about three meters tall and tan with black hair. Blue eye of today's people and Voice of an "angle". Few more Notes about the 2100s and greg is done. now for an Air bath and some old clothing for tonight and Greg's day is over.
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