Thursday, March 26, 2015

                      NewEgg Burst

  On a jaunt to Jamaica Beach Wen struck up a friendship with an elderly couple. The Connolly's just moved in to the five thousand meter level. Loving the view and long days in the sand. they could not stop talking about how the beach sand is shifted each day. The smell of the ocean salt water off the sand would make it to their font opening. 

Wen played the part of a young mover, looking to find the Caribbean life for the first time. As if they could give him a tour of Jamaica. They let him know that friends are meeting on the Amazon for a rafting trip. Wen took the chance and added a egg to they'er trivial pack. Small black balloon underside so it would fall off on the sonic zipp to southern continent.

Just one week now, news of the virus Rabies, is circling the earth. DNA labs have not found a way around the implanting of the virus to human Genomes. With a thin membrane layer protecting the DNA cell and the Virus attach to the cell inside the membrane Just getting to the virus without killing or spreading is beyond what they know. OK they know just no one in the past thousand year had to deal with a nasty virus Rabies. Everything the Doctors know is from the past history. Rabies then could not last for weeks or fly in the air. You had to get bitten or contracted Rabies through an open wound. Air filters are not used any more. since most lived about any ground weather any more. Night time everyone returns to sleeping units above Three thousand meters. 

Wen Mind began to race from his past to now. How the world of humans kills everything on earth. that is why everyone lives in the clouds or just below them. To be on the ground for more that a few hour was against the law. Wild life and weather made life on earth an act of suicide. Not just for the person but for many more around that person. human immune system can not handle the vast disease on the ground level. That is why history has to be studied. Let alone the fact that for a thousand years human lived in space while the earth cleansed itself. 

Oh That right, in the year 3,001 Humans knew life for man was over. Too many drugs had changed humans into something that could not survive
anywhere on earth. Studies also showed that all animal life would vanish if man continued on they way they were. Wen lesson in History is that one Thousand space pods holding Ten humans, (Five males and Five females) was sent to the edge of the Galaxy and then returned to earth. each pode could hold One hundred humans in side. This would allow for the ten to begin reproduce and begin a new on earth. 

Once the pods were gone a year, then Defcon sats circling the earth deployed it missiles of nerve gas over all the earth. Killing everything, plants fish and animals on the earth. It would take another nine hundred years for life to grow and the earth ready for humans once more. 

Space does amazing thing to the human bodies. We are made to adapt to any and all living
environments Humans had already moved to one golden color and everyone had just on spoken and written language, Funny this is no one knew what the other spoken languages where. Did not matter, except for the history of humans needed to be known so we do not repeat what killed them in the first place. Too late, Wen saw what was happening and all humans were killing the earth again. This time Wen was going to make sure that humans never had the chance to come back. Save the world so animals could live in peace. Without humans and the death they bring for just being around. 

Connellys came by to let Wen know they were off. hope that he would live in Jamaica long with the few who love the tropical Island life. Give both Her and him a hug as is fashion Wen slip a small black balloon on the outside of the trivial pack of Mrs. Connelly, same for Mr. Connelly.  Now the Antigravity stream will do the rest.  Rabie Virus would spread all over North and South Continents.       

Monday, March 16, 2015


                  Rabies, what is that

 Vanessa Bring up the file again on Fay. Let's zoom in on that DNA on her virus. I need to find out just what it is. On the ladder at the 28 stran is the problem. Until we figure what that part is we may not be able to help others coming in the hospital.

There is the problem Doctor Kim, I do not think this strain of the DNA has been around for years. Our records do not show what or where it comes from.

We we have to keep at it. 89 sicken and 13 deaths from it means we are in on a race to save lives.

Well Asia and Africa is waiting for a reply to our studies.

Studies, we have never done any studies. Every child born have any bad DNA remove before birth. How these DNA strain got in them is the big question. 

Google investigation team is on it. They are finding it impossible to link any one thing to why or how this DNA is there.

Well in just the Twenty Four hours since everyone getting sick, death rate is out of control.

Now I worry that we may get sick. what is the CDC in London saying about all this.

My last check is they to are looking for what this virus is. Yes it is a virus. 

How can it be a virus, when it is attach to the human DNA. Virus attack organs, not the cells.

We just never seen virus like this. 

Just not in our time. We may need to check with history research.

History Anthropology more is better. One of those odd ball may no more right now that CDC dose. 

Hey your friend Vanessa may be able to help, what is is his name.

My Friend, what friend do I know into history.

That one you sing with now and then at the Google strip club open mic nights. You know the one who is always looking to hook up. God why would any man want to do that is beyond me.

Kim just because you hate hook up does not mean it is a bad thing. Besides I think,,,, Oh what is his name,,,,,Gene, Gerold, Something with a G,,,,,, Oh Greg is his name. I remember he gave me his web address So we can practice songs together. Here it is on my memory chip.

Pull Greg up and check with him and see what he thinks it may be.

On the wall close to Vanessa and Kim, a monitor came up with just Vanessa look. in her head is a chip just for oddities like web address she may never use. File under singer weirdos is Greg web address. focusing on the address the monitor zip to Greg personal web page. 

Hi, i'm out. If you know me leave a statement if not Bug off, I do not need any of what you offer..

Greg This is Vanessa, From open mic nights. I need your help can you pop in when you get the chance.

Vanessa turn to Kim, well that is that,

On the monitor the face of a man came up.

Hey Blue singer glad you There. Always wanted to know who was behind the wonderful voice. First time I've seen your face. Ready to try some duets.

Now that is fast Greg, where you hiding and just checking me out.

No, No, I just got in from viewing my little girl.

You have a little girl with you.

Not like that, Seams the Hook up last night die and now I get to raise a child. I check her out in the birthing center.

Oh you know Fey?

Fey, who is Fey?  Oh that is her real name, right.  Yes we did hook up but seems she got sick and past away. The baby was saved and now I get the chance to be a father. Rear Right?

Greg I need to chat with you about your work.
You do deep records research right.

Oh My work, Yes i go farther back than any. I note and jot down thing all the time.

You keep records sometime of the strange stuff from the past?

Yes I love the old stuff, You into that also.

Right now I am. I'm a Doctor in practice and I'm here With Doctor Kim in virus control. Looks like we have something here we have never seen. Thought that if we told you some of the symptoms you may have a better idea of what we are dealing with. 

Troubles with record keeping. Those dumb ass at CDC only jot down what they want and not everything sent to them. Like they are back in the 2900s again, where all records from the past was lost. Will they ever learn.

Can you help us. 

This is doctor Kim Right.

Yes that was doctor Kim. Can you help us.

Lucky I keep complete records of every thing I research. So hit me with the symptoms and lets see what pops up.

High fever, midsection pain and brain pain, then the last is foaming at the mouth then death.

Behind Greg all watch as nots from research wheeled by at a speed that only a main frame could do. In an blink of the eye one word came up RABIES.

Doctor Kim then Turn to his on PC banks and enter the word Rabies.

List of symptoms came up and yes here is all he saw last night in Fey. Kim saw that Ten signs are listed to come up with the virus Rabies. Never was any comas place between each symptom so you had to enter all Ten just to get the name of this deadly bug.

Records never like putting in everything. Running words together is the way they enter any information. So unless some one would enter records the same way, you may never get the right information from them.

Dam that group of workers. Slacking off now has kill so many. 

A picture of the virus did not look like the one he had. this one in clean around the edges, his had little hair like tinical all around it. Checking his files, Virus became airborne when this happen. Dr. Kim also saw where   the rabie virus mutated to mimic the human DNA on the 28 run of the cell.

Dam, dam, dam,

What Greg shouted to Vanessa, is the problem here.

Greg you at home so stay there do not go outside for any thing. Looks like we have a killer virus bug running amuck on our world.




Sunday, March 15, 2015



  Over the years of working tracking programs, Wen knew that every movement he makes can be track. Cross the path of anyone that get sick from his little world killer, within a millisec Google police will be all over him. His run last night over the North and South continent in the antigravity stream where the broken egg is spread over a large area. Millions traveling in the stream will come in contact with his nasty little virus. Doing the math Wen figure that if just Ten percent contacted his stream of bad egg, and only Ten percent became sick from his virus then Thousands could die. If he made the same run in the African or Asian continent Tacking would lead to him. 

A balloon is going to be used the next time. Egg in the balloon then left in the path of a gravity stream when someone comes along they will bust the balloon or bounce it to the next stream. This could take a bit giving Wen some cover time. Over the Asian land mass a egg with the Rabies virus Could spread farther and faster.

new report of a woman's death run around the world fast. Cause is unknown Wen, that wont be for long. 

Wen love talking to himself like this.

I'll wait two days and before the next egg. I'll try the balloon method, that sounds the best. PPS. may make it so I can not touch someone but in the path of someone in a antigravity stream would knock this balloon all over the place before it pop. The egg will smack into someone and this dam PPS. will attach to who ever and enter them once they are where PPS. can not be used.  You know Wen, The spray from the smash egg will be all over the air space. everyone who pass through that space will come in contact with the spray. Any time in the next Forty Eight hours, that person can breath in this live virus can die. That woman death I'm sure is from my first egg, this proves how fast the Virus will kill. 

Track that you stupid world.


   Yes officer, I did have a hook up the other night. Just do not know who it was. You know the law.      
Sir we just have to go over everything, We know you and her were together, that is not the question here. We have to make sure you did not pass something that killed her or you have something that will kill you.

I never like Doctors. Probe this Stick a needle here. Seam like you pull out the old fashion ways when in the fields like this. 

All you need to do is stand there. You read too many old books The Doctor here will use his hand scanner nothing more.

Wait, I'm the Doctor, and You said we stick you with needles????

OK you do not use needles any more and yes I read lots of the old books. Just do not like the scanner of any thing that can look into my vary cell in my blood  while it is in my veins. Creeps me out that's all

By the way, Since the mother of the child is dead and we know you are the Father, you have the right to the child, the law allow for this to happen.

Come on, Get real officer, I take the child and the grand mother and PCS comes by everyday to watch and teach the child,

No No Sir, Not like that now. Personal Child schooling does not take place until the child in Six years old now. Far as the grandmother, If you do not take the child she will regain sole rights not you. She will then tell you when and that you have to see the child. 

Ya, Ya, I know, when the mother dies before birth the father is then in charge of the child Only time men have right to raise a child. You say the child is mine until the age of six?

Well the child is always your's now That will never change. She will know you as you know her. You just need to say if it is part time or full time.

Can I see the child growing in the artificial Womb before I say yes or no?

Hmm, Hmm, We will insist that you do. 

Well the scan is over and you look normal and healthy. so what ever the mother got, came after she left the Strip club.

check your home mail and go see your daughter, OOPS, did not mean to say that, any way go see her, let us know what you want to do.

Will do officer. Just like that they are gone. First time ever some one came to see me and it is an office to tell me the woman I hook up with is dead from some strange thing and I have a daughter now to think about.  Shisssss Greg you know how to pick you hookers.  

Friday, March 13, 2015


                    Breaking the rules

  Wen knew what could happen, He could find his life in a space suit and liquid food happening quickly if he did not play this out the right way. 

Seeding the clouds is chancie and down right frightening for the world. Many have tried it but none had ever got away with it. Like rest of the humans in the world crimes just did not happen. people got board with the same thing over and over. Everyone look the same. Everyone acted the same. except for when you visited the Google Nation police Station did you not have wear a complete head and toe covering. That part makes what he is about to do the more Troublesome.  Wen would not know the people he killed or even see the face. So seeding the clouds with water borne virus that could spread the world over is the fastest way to get a ride into space. 

now at the old age of 159 Wen did not care. He just had to stop the crazy boring life of todays world. He had stop eating the made meals from Google kitchen. As found the wild weeds in the remote places to eat. Even the wild animals now and then help him. he love the the ones at the bottom of the world oceans. Eating food like these brought out his wild side.  Wild Oats and Barley mix with a yeast and water, is the best soup he ever eaten. Best also when left to soak for three days the heat it up and drink it hot.  

Feeling came over Wen, of joy and sadness at the same time. His heart would beat so fast and his blood felt so warm. He knew it is wrong, just, just one more time, then he would stop. After five years telling himself this lie Wen gave in and made a trip once a day to drink his soup. 

one of his trips he found a dead animal with short  brown and grey hair and Black band across it eyes, dead next to one of his soup pots. Not know what to do but needing to hide the dead animal some way, Wen found a broken stone that help chop the body of the animal into five parts. when it came time to hide the head, Wen could not do that. so he tuck the head into his side pouch and hide it in a small corner of his home. that was great until after Five days it stunk so bad. Trip back to the ground was made and finding a nest in one of the tall red trees is  perfect hiding place. He place the head next to some odd oval stones in the nest, Wen found out later they are called eggs. Remembering his lesson from school, The birds that lay the eggs would eat the head and then be blame for the death of this animal.

Deep inside the head of the dead fury animal a long forgotten virus was taking place. more that Ten thousand Years this little bug is eradicated So no more  Drugs or pesticides are around to stop it from growing or killing all the human on earth. Next to the eggs Rabies grew to a new level. Not one bound to just the ground. Four months ago alerts was put out about a gorun virus killing animals all over the place. Health workers could not find out how or where the virus came from. 

Wen had four of the eggs in his home. Once Google heath workers found out the eggs is in his home he was dead anyway. They found his soup and now looking for him. Plans are to take the eggs and crush them in clouds over North and South Lands and let it start there. This would give him time to watch the world start to die. 


    Fay made it home and toss her clothing in the disposal, Getting ready for a Air bath Fay did something that surprised her, she sneezed. 
no one sneezed any more. Allergens are all on the ground level in unfilter airways. Fay made a note of this and plan to see the doctors. She also wanted to know if she is with child. 

Falling asleep after a fun night of hooking up Fay woke up after just Three hours of rest. Another thing to worry about. No one woke in the middle of the night any more. Here she is up and feeling very sick to her stomach. Thinking it may be the child growing inside her. She dress in body covering of Black, ( for they way she felt right now) then headed out for the any time Doctors.

Oh do not Worry Miss Connolly, it is just the baby I'm sure of. Well run some test then send you home with a pill that will help you get over this morning sickness. Young women like you get morning sickness all the time. what is funny, we never heard of someone sneezing after a hook up. that is new to us.

Sick as Fay felt right now, nothing is funny. She just wanted her head to stop hurting so much.  Doctors coming back and then putting her in insulation made her even more mad. Way her head hurt all she wanted is something to stop everything from spinning. she swallowed the pill without and water then fell fast asleep.

I have never seen this virus,  yes it was going to kill her. her baby though they could save. 

While Miss Connolly was out they removed the infant and place it in an Artificial womb. Six month and the baby would then be given to child placement for unwanted infants. Let the police know and start to trace Fay last few days from her chip.  Find her hook up mate  just to make sure he is alive.

Fey eyes flicker open just long enough to hear the doctor the next day give orders to discharge Fay into space. her life is over and then she closed her eye for good.  

                     Song and Dance

 Blue Lagoon is the new drink around the world. greg just thought it as another color flavor waters. this one Look like the sky but taste more like sour fruit juice. Gave you the feeling of your drinking hard water, without the side effects.

Last Train to Clarksville by the singing monkeys, Grege knew the group as The Monkey's.
A famous band in the 60's and early 70's. Calls for someone that knows the song Monday, Monday, to come up, that is when the shapely woman in a blue flower top and Pink leggings step up to the mic. 

Oh A hooker is up there. Dam she is great looking Glad I came ready to hook up. Greg then got up to join a few more wanting to sing this song. 

Rest of the stage is dress in head to toe covering. People did this so all would know they are just out for fun and not a hook up. Only when you could see the face and have extra clothing on did you know someone is looking to hook up, just and Fay and reg look on stage. 

Twenty on stage to sing Monday, Monday, Some covering background sounds while other like fay took for a lead singer. Greg went for a leading part also. Four other join for the leads in the song, when they broke for the course fay and Greg lean in together for the mic. 

Monday morning, Monday morning was just it should be, Come monday evening you would still be here with me. last words of the reframe and the song is over.

Hi I'm Eddy, I love your voice. I know you love the old sounds also.

yes it is so great of a time for songs, Just wish more of the old song could be played. hate to think it may be a month before we can hear them again. 

Eddy is the name staff gave Greg to use for the night. He could not ask his cute young woman next to him her name. That just was not done. if she wanted to hook up she will give her name. until that time they can talk just not hook up. Cause when you hook up You went to the upper rooms and gave your name and your hook up name. You could not go together you had to go alone. Every one knew then it is a mutual hook up.

Can I get you a drink?

Sure can you get me a Apple Beer Gin tonic.

you are going old school. Have not many to order that drink in a long time. mind if I get one like yours?

You like Apple Beer Gin Tonic?

Yes I just hat to drink it around others that do not like it. 

Hi I am Mary, So happy to drink and Old Apple Beer Gin Tonic with you, Eddy. It was Eddy, right?

Yes it is Eddy.

Well just cause I gave you my name do not get ideas yet. I trust you just want to find out if I like you that much.



                          Day of Fay

 Her work is over for the week. Food order turn in Now to find something to do for rest of her week. Turning to working Two four hour days and on thursday and Friday ment then next five days where all hers. Family and friends visits just did not feel right, nore heading off to the wonderland fun park. Fay thought how boring her life has come to be.  

checking the local social page for fun stuff to do, Fay flip the pages as always. Same old same old things, Bungee jumping or Biking in  the Alps. Nothing sounded good. what Fay really wanted was to Strike out the ole fashion way. Run the gabit of dive shops and clubs, starting with the Google club. See what will happen. She had lots of free credit chips and  loaded into her birth tracker so she is good to just go out for the evening. Never know she may even ask if she could hook for the night. Live dangerous get her blood racing. that is what she needed most. 

From the time of Puberty at the young age of 32, she had wanted to feel alive. Everyday is the same. even the new is the same, "this person went her and did that or this person said something" all crap far as she cared. Doing something that was of a risk made her heart race and she like that. So hook up with some strange person and a chance to have a child is the most outrageous thing anyone could do. Even then if that happen not a big thing. 

Just because you had a child did not mean much these days. Normally, your work hours did not ever change plus your food ration did not change. You did not even have the worry of raising the child. After the eighth year of the child they are off on their own. before that time your home is the sight of Doctors and health care workers in and out. Social workers made sure that anything and everything your child would need  to grow into a strong healthy person is in place. Google world took the saying it takes a village to raise a child to heart. 

Fay remember her talk with mom over this matter of having a child. Each woman could give birth to just one child. After the age of Forty five, As an adult then you cans chose the year you wanted a child or just hook up and let it happen. Only exception is if you had a child and is known the girl child could never give birth then you got a second shot. You will know by the second week of the live of the child. Six months of stem cell replacement and the woman's insides is like she never had a hook up. So she would be good to go. Otherwise, Doctors would come by and give you the never more pill you then will never have another child.

Out loud Fay said, "yes I'm Fifty Nine, a child for a few years would be great. Give me a chance to hang out with a new group and new clothing. A big yes about new shoes. Love to ask mom to help me while the baby grows inside me. Just wish I knew who my dad was. I know it is forbidden, as the dads just never can make the adjustment to family life, does not mean I would not like to know who he is."

law is the man may never know or the woman able to find out who he is. Real names are never used any more. On a hook up you are given a name to use just like the man plus with you hook up could be from any where in the world, plus over Ten Billion men in the world your chance is slim to none of finding him a second time.

Pink leg huggers and powder blue top the drop to her knees, spotted with flowers all over is the high fashion for women wanting a hook up.  No shoes needed and the leggings cover  her feet to her chest with only a small opening at the crotch for bathroom needs and hook up times.

One last look in the pip videos screen then a step outside her door where the gravity stream took hold.  With a bend in her head or redirection of her finger at sonic speed Fay soon would be over the North and Southern lands for a night out.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


                          No Assaults of Person

  Greg just left the police station. Where his I.D. chip was scanned and his first Personal Protection Seed was added to his implanted chip with this Seed (as call these day, and not apps.) a shield form around him So no one can touch him. No built or passing thug can get close to him out in public now. His home already has the same protection. Only he and his family can enter the home. Not even his Friends and come over and enter his home without him there. PPS has made it so assaults and break in can not happen any more. 

When Convenience Store where outlaw for being too enticing to be robbed or held up or broken in.  Hell since the end of fossil fuels, late night run to fill up just did not happen. Cold fussion did that, long with Free energy for the world. So crimes from the past just did not happen. The new law of one strike and your out for good. Gravity tubes all over the place reminded everyone what would happen if you committed any crime to any person, you are place in a tube with a lifetime of liquid food and shot into space. what happen after that no one knows or cares. yes a protective suit and  off you went. Well that did not stop all the crimes against person, these PPS will. 

Greg did not know when he had his I.D. chip implanted, just Ever since the last murder and war, keeping track of everyone's movement, made it possible to know when, where the killing takes place. 

PPS Works the same way as  Personal air conditioner. By pulling the Ions close to you The outside world can not touch you, just the air can flow Around you all the time. Every child learns that Ions are the heaviest iron in the universe. they pass through the earth only because they are also the the smallest particle. Like all metals you can pull them close with a magnetic source.  PPS dose that o close and so thick that not even a grain of sand can touch you. 

 A new law that said everyone is to have a Seed added to your I.D. chip ment that personal
 assaults can never happen again.

Outside the Police station Greg walk a few steps and watch all the funny people trying to hit each other and laughing. One little Girl pick up a round rock and slammed it down on her baby brother.  Now that will be funny on WFV. Hell every thing like this ended up on World Funnies Videos.

Time for testing for him was not needed. Work had to happen, if greg wanted to eat for the next week. Everyone had to work Four hour each week to get ration for a week. not sure why this was such a big deal, as he spent rest of the week chatting with his Friend from around the world any way. just like alway, Work is work and no one like going to work. 

Looking for the gravity stream Greg place a foot on and off he went to his home, Three thousand meters up and dew North put Greg in his personal space. home is all it is called. Furniture and rooms like the old day, just so you can say you have a place to lay your head and eat. he could climb to Ten thousand  meters but he like watching the storm clouds and hearing the rain. Except for the fact he did not fill the wind and rain did not mean he did not want to know what it might be like.

Notice on his entrance, said Food ration is on the way to open reception portal now. simple look to open and a circle in the Kitchen open and Cubes of food line up with the day of the week in the storage area. His order put in last week for this week was done. after work he would order for next week. Greg could not order until his account is full. So he needed to log into his web com. His time at work would start then. Opening up his food cube for Friday he found the sweet chocolate flavored Rice bits and some Powder sodas. walk to reform microwave, he place both pack inside and touch remake. Given the space of Greg retrieving, the reorder form, his snack was ready. Old fashioned krispie bar and a ice cold glass of Cola soda. 

With in every snack is a full meal, You had the choice of the way you wanted to eat it. Most just had a slurpee, Greg we old school when it came to eating.  He wanted to chew on something and not just wash his mouth out. 

over on the over size Loveseat Greg set down  his snack and spoke to the wall . 

"Greg, 11985. Start work."

In front of him a display of folders with History research and dates and time. Greg was now in the year of 2100's. His first log in this center, started today. Greg was just happy to be over with the 2000 years. So much crap happen then and none made any sense.  Six wars and all the race and religious killing, did not make for good
research. Only Good this I Google became a Web Nation. Start of the new world everyone live in now. Unlike Book Face and Bird Tweets, they only wanted money.  Google open the world up and did not take long for all to see how the information they got by the media at the time was made just to sale products and nothing more. 

world broadcast system fall after Seventy five years once Google Web Cast came on line. What was the North and South continents along with African, and Asian, governments fell due to free markets crash. Google set up in the Mid Atlantic waters took over rule of the World. Under the new Google Rule you did research of all kind. Farming and Energy, Equal trade and medical needs, lots of new jobs open and all became part of a share of products that Google  obtained. No money, no troubles, no one worried about layoffs, no one worried about food shortage. each had a home None needed to move around in those fossil  wheeled transports. they called them cars, trucks, trains and planes. Hell ever since the days, of industry in 1700s to the 2100s the world is better off without all the hooplas.

Greg gave a laugh when he first heard of the race wars. His mind thought race wars was about the cars and trucks driving around in a circles. Never did see the point in that. Humans of different colors a race war now that is funny. Greg remember reading about the last mix color person on earth. Spots of black and white with some red and yellow toss in. Everyone love the man, he could tell some great jokes for the early years of the 3100s. Last Two Hundred years every human is the same color, Golden Tan. This also the years that History Geologist like him started keep records of everything humans did. Searching the past for how and why humans came to be.

Three point Four meters tall and just at Fifty one kilograms, (as all humans are now) Greg look just like everyone else in the world.  Oval for head and square chin  with long flowing bronze color hair is the normal now. Once in a while someone is born Bronze and Golden hair, otherwise all the same. 

2100s begin with the rise of Google world. All information is share equally to everyone. national and world media closed up for good with the law that band the use of money in the world. Everyone got part of what the world had to offer. yes you work until you are One hundred, given that people lived until Hundred and fifty years, Hundred years of work is not the big a deal. Population as in the Billions meant that each working person or Ten years of age, put in eight hours a week. Four, Two hour days, or Two Four hour days is required , this is the way it is now, Greg work Two Four hour days. Upon completion of your hours each week you could order food and goods. Minimal food and more goods meant you could decorate your home with stuff you like. Keep the basic in your home and you can eat like you want.

This night the open mic was having renasant of music from the years of 1960s. old music is what greg is about. Somehow the 60s and 70s had the best music and the best of comforts. like his loveseat with red and blue and green pad cloth arms and wings on the sides to hold your drinks and food and Blue jeans covered the seat and back of the mine couch. After work and placing his food order for next week, off to the open mic at Google Strip club.

Back to the vision in front of him, Greg saw Oenomaus Gomez, the son of Selena take to the stage for the opening atheneum "Who say's". even today that song lives on in the world. So many law in the world, so when someone ask who say's we know who did write it down. Then no one knew who wrote the rule of anything. Guess that is why "Who Say's" became Google Web World atheneum. looking to Oenomaus, Greg jotted down in the text field on the side that he is about three meters tall and tan with black hair. Blue eye of today's people and Voice of an "angle". Few more Notes about the 2100s and greg is done. now for an Air bath and some old clothing for tonight and Greg's day is over.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

End of Days

Every day cars, trucks and Shoes wear out, Where does the rubber go? Like wood dust from a saw or sand paper dust is made each and everyday from the rubber grinding off from the cars and trucks of the world. Where does the rubber go? We all know that rubber can last for Twenty years or more. So where does it all go? 

Lakes and rivers and oceans get some of the rubber just not all of it. Burn off at the auto shows and race ways, where does the rubber go. 

Do you think all lung problems is natural?  

End of Days.

In our life we lose more food each year to just the weather. how much more will we lose to the Stuff we know nothing about.

Friday, January 9, 2015

End of days

Our first food is killing us each and everyday. "In those days the waters will turn to blood". Is it real? Dose not the water run Red from the Mercury in all plant and fish life.

What we use to grow up with, may kill our children now. 

Mercury in the waters from fruit and to make beer is in our everyday life. Are we just now seeing what Red Mercury can do. Slowly turn the heat up in a pot of water a frog is in and frog will not jump out, Are we in that pot of Water. Is this Real?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

End of days

First sign shall be pestalist in the world all over. all kind of new worms and bugs and that of the soil that can kill us. Do You Use Gels before you eat or touch something, Why?

Farms are devastated by cold Fire and water, Then the Bugs of the ground takes a Tenth of all we eat.

watch for a return of the one Disease of the wild animals that man do not know how to fight. This one makes even the rabbits attack any and all men upon the earth. This you will know as a sign from God.  

End of Days

Upon the Four corner Gad Said Not to let lose your tribulation until them that care my word are sealed in the foreheads. 

We see the storm, the change of the winds, How the waters are killing us, Earthquakes in many places, wars and rumors of wars. No man know the way to God, for all follow many paths. One path to God, One way, many listen to Man say what God wants and needs from from you. They can not speak for God, They are men not God. 

Which Way shall you go? Only one is right? Do you trust men or God to guide you in the ways you shall go? Does not matter if you believe in God or Say no God ever. You must choose the path to follow. Them that is on both sides are the ones who God will cast out first. 

God Is Talking To You Right Now, do you have an ear to hear what the angels say unto the church?   

           End of days                       

In those day of the end, no man show know the time.

Sign will be given to them that have an ear, to hear what the angel say to all. 

"Upon the mark of the beast will be 666, all can not buy or sale without the make. Know this as there is six days god made the heavens and earth so shall it be on the Third day and the Third hour of the return of the new city".

End of the Third Day is this. in the year of 3333 and the month of March and the Third day on the Third hours day is over. Upone the Jubel of the Time that day on the very moment the trumpet will sound. 

When you look at the Seven Threes, Know that Jubel will happen when Seven Minutes by Seven has taken place. 

In the span of that of half hour You will see the coming of The new City.